Firnas Shuman team provided all in-country services prior to financial close, including review of project site and location, review of transport route, meetings with project company, EPC contractor, gas supply company, electricity regulator, and environmental and social due diligence. Our team also reviewed gas supply plans and power evacuation plans, including transmission lines to be constructed and the proposed point of interconnection.

Installation, commissioning and O&M of a solar meteostation in Kuwait
July 11, 2016
Monitoring Environmental, Social, Health and Safety (ESHS) performance and compliance at several platform companies under an Egyptian Venture Capital
May 1, 2016Firnas Shuman team provided all in-country services prior to financial close, including review of project site and location, review of transport route, meetings with project company, EPC contractor, gas supply company, electricity regulator, and environmental and social due diligence. Our team also reviewed gas supply plans and power evacuation plans, including transmission lines to be constructed and the proposed point of interconnection.