Supply, installation, commissioning and O&M of 80-meter mast for wind resource measurement in Ras Ghareb, Egypt
February 25, 2016Mid-term Review (MTR) for the UNDP-GEF Project for Promoting Grid-Connected PV Development on the Seychelles Island
September 11, 2015
The project is a 3-years effort implemented by the Ministry of Mines and Energy to improve solar power technology transfer for electricity generation in Namibia.
Location: Namibia
Customer: UNDP
Date: 2015
Status: Completed
The project is a 3-years effort implemented by the Ministry of Mines and Energy to improve solar power technology transfer for electricity generation in Namibia.
Location: Namibia
Customer: UNDP
Date: 2015
Status: Completed
Firnas Shuman has been contracted to conduct a midterm review to provide an independent analysis on the progress of the project. The objective was to identify potential design problems, assess progress towards the achievement of the project objective, identify and document lessons learned about project design, implementation and management.